Posture in Fountain Valley

Is Posture important?
Many of our patients arrive at our Fountain Valley office with an awareness of their posture, either good or bad. Some say, “I know I slump over when I sit down”, or “I can see my head sticks out in front of my shoulders”. As Chiropractors, we are acutely aware of posture and realize that looking at your posture closely often reveals that bad posture results from misaligned or subluxated vertebrae.
The structure that supports our whole body is the skeletal system. Central to that is our spine and skull which protects our brain and spinal cord. The brain sends nerve impulses down the spinal cord and out through the nerves. It is this system that controls literally every cell and tissue of the body. If our spine becomes subluxated, the rest of the body compensates under control of the brain with a series of tight muscles strategically cinched up on either side of the neck, back and pelvis. If the misalignment or subluxation is not corrected the supporting posture is maintained which can result in a “hunched” back or unlevel hips, shoulders or skull (seen by the level of the ears).
Your First Visit
On the first visit to our office we observe posture and range of motion. We often check your weight distribution by having you stand on two separate scales to see if half your weight is on each scale, (for many people it is not). We often take x-rays to see the exact detail of your posture, vertebra-by-vertebra. If yours looks like a chiropractic case similar to what we’ve had success with in the past, we will explain the cause of the problem and outline the best way to solve it.
At Stark Family Chiropractic we teach our patients to observe their own posture and that of their family and friends. An easy check is to look at the level of your ears, your shoulders, and hips or beltline. If you can’t tell, have someone look at your posture from behind.
Stark Family Chiropractic in Fountain Valley, CA for your postural examination.
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
By Appointment Only
Stark Family Chiropractic
17922 Magnolia Street
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
(714) 887-7009